DBpediaSameAs: An approach to tackle heterogeneity in DBpedia identifiers

Andre Valdestilhas, Natanael Arndt, Dimitris Kontokostas
in SEMANTiCS 2015, 2015-09
Download Paper, Bibsonomy, RDF (Turtle)


The DBpedia dataset has multiple URIs within the dataset and from other datasets connected with (transitive) owl:sameAs relations and thus referring to the same concepts. With this heterogeneity of identifiers it is complicated for users and agents to find the unique identifier which should be preferably used. We are introducing the concept of DBpedia Unique Identifier (DUI) and a dataset of linksets relating URIs to DUIs. In order to improve the quality of our dataset we developed a mechanism that allows the user to rate and suggest links. As proof of concept an implementation with a graphical web user interface is provided for accessing the linkset and rating the links. The DBpedia sameAs service is available at

